Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Laptop Maintenance Guide

The advent of globalization and computer technology has left most of us dependent on computers. Laptops have also been increasingly popular these days as more and more people conduct their internet surfing, business work, or schoolwork outside of the house. Because of this fast paced lifestyle and mobile living, we often forget to perform some very basic but crucial maintenance on our computers, resulting in system crashes, viruses, program and hardware malfunction. For those of you who have experienced these PC let downs, you know how devastating and frustrating it is, especially when you have important work to do. To help you in avoiding these computer mishaps I have prepared a short maintenance guide on how to take care of your laptop, inside and out. The data and the software programs that you have in your laptop are probably the most important things that you should safeguard. That is why it is crucial that you perform the following maintenance tasks in a weekly basis. I cannot stress too much how important it is to get that anti-virus and firewall software updates. Intruders, hackers, trojans and viruses are your number one enemy when it comes to data and software. Perform a simple weekly update and you get to save those valuable data from corruption and lost. Speaking of data, if it is entirely possible, create back ups for your data and email. There are a lot of ways of making back ups for your data. It may seem trivial now but if and when your laptop crashes you will be kissing those backups as they may just save your life. Other than these weekly laptop maintenance tips, it is also good to schedule these monthly tasks for your laptop. Every month examine your files and the programs that you have installed or saved. Determine which of them you need and which you can delete. Cleaning your hard drive does not only save you those space it also makes your laptop run smoother and faster. After deleting those unnecessary files and properly uninstalling those programs, set time to defragment your laptop. I know it takes time especially if you have accumulated all those data but defragmenting is just essential to maintain your laptops well-being and to make your computer run better, avoid system crashes and frozen programs. Just like anti-virus and firewall software updates, keeping your other software up-to-date is also a good way to help make your laptop run better and faster. Finally, it is as important if not more important to clean the outside of your laptop. We all know that those accumulated dust and dirt can cause problems for your laptop and eventually for you. Set aside time in cleaning your laptop because if you hastily clean your laptop you may be doing more damage than good to your laptop. First read your laptop’s user manual and find out the recommended way to clean the exterior of your laptop. In cleaning the outside of your laptop, do not use harsh cleaning agents or those that have ammonia as they cause damage to the laptop. Also only use materials that are made of cloth and are not rough._________________

200 ways to revive a hard drive

200 ways to revive a hard drive This is a situation that every tech support person has faced or will face at least once: a failed hard drive. In this particular case, a user was getting errors like "disk 0 error" and "invalid drive specification." Here were the other facts in the case: • The data wasn't backed up. • The problem came out of nowhere. • The user had accessed Setup and tried to manually enter the settings for the drive type when "Auto" didn't work. • There was no startup disk made by this machine. Reviving a drive like that one—even if only long enough to copy its data before you throw the drive in the garbage—is a tough challenge. When this document was first compiled back in 2001 data recovery was (and still is for many) a very expensive option. While the Freeze it, Hit it, and Drop it options are still experimented with by some, the current size and sensitivity of the newer larger hard drives makes these options extremely risky and definitely NOT recommended for hard drives with a capacity that’s greater than 1 gig. And even then some of the operation suggested here should be approached with caution. Getting it wrong by trying to save some money will only end up costing you more if you then decide to pass on your hard drive to a data recovery company...

Time for an update When this document was first produced back in 2001 data recovery was (and still is for many) a very expensive option. While the Freeze it, Hit it, and Drop it options are still employed by some, the current size and sensitivity of the newer larger hard drives makes these options extremely risky and definitely NOT recommended for hard drives with a capacity that’s greater than 1 gig. And even then some of the operation suggested here should be approached with caution. Getting it wrong by trying to save some money will only end up costing you more if you then decide to pass on your hard drive to a data recovery company... There are, broadly speaking three classes of data recovery, Logical, Electronic, and Physical. • Logical Where the FAT, NTFS or other file structure has been corrupted either by accident or on purpose or individual filed or folders have gone missing. The hard drive has not suffered damage to the components of the hard drive itself. • Electronic Component failure on the PCB (the circuit board on the bottom of the hard drive) in the motor or internally. • Physical Internal damage to the hard drive, damaged platters, head crashes, damage to the motor, or head rack signal amplifier. You need a clean room and plenty of experience to have any chance of a successful outcome here. Logical recoveries are becoming an affordable option for those people who are familiar with the risks involved with data recovery. Software tools that are now available for this task vary greatly in their capability, complexity and cost. Careful research should be done before any work is done on the damaged hard drive. If you are able, get another hard drive and experiment. Format it, Fdisk it, delete files and partitions and learn how the data recovery software operates under these various conditions. Before to start work on your own or your clients hard drive back it up, the backup mantra is one that you all should be familiar with by now! There are tools available to backup (or image) a hard drive that has been fdisked!! Use them. Ghost software is not suitable for this task, then perform your recovery attempts on the image not the original.

Freeze it From: Travis Standen One trick I have learned as a technician, when the problem is data-read errors off the platters themselves, is to freeze the hard drive overnight. It makes the data more 'readable,' but for a one-shot deal. If this data is critical, and you have a replacement hard drive (which, if it's a drive failure, you probably do), then you can hook up your frozen hard drive and immediately fetch the data off before it warms up. From: Thedeedj If the problem is heat related, I put the drive in the freezer for about 15 minutes to cool it down... sometimes this gets the drive up long enough to copy any critical files... From: Itguy1 Put the drive in a waterproof sealed bag, put it in the fridge for an hour or so, then have another go. From: Kelly Reid Well, I won't start playing with your specific situation, too many steps or possible solutions where everything starts "If that last thing didn't work try..." But I'll give you one for free that was a nice hero moment for me. Had a drive where it sounded like the drive motor was engaging but not getting anywhere, so we stuck it in the office freezer for an hour! I'll be darned if it didn't work. The drive was up long enough to get the data ghosted to another drive and we turfed it, even though it sounded fine at that point. I can't really take credit for it though—I had heard it in some geek bull session but I thought it was some jedi-geek urban myth. Goes to show you that you know you're really screwed when you say something to the effect of "Okay, hold on tight, I'm gonna try something I saw in a cartoon once but I'm pretty sure I can do it"

If this drive isn't spinning up, putting it in the freezer for about an hour will usually get the drive spinning again so you can copy needed files before the drive warms up again. The first thing you want to do is run a disk utility like Norton disk doctor or wddiag (if it's a western digital drive) to verify whether the drive is working mechanically or not. If it is a master boot record problem, sometimes running Fdisk/mbr will correct the problem. It could also be a virus, and a program like F-prot will look at the drive as a physical unit. As an A+ PC technician I have seen this problem many times. Usually if the drive is not making a clicking sound I am successful in recovering the data. From: Scott Greving I've run into this scenario numerous times. One time it involved the main Novell SYS volume on our HP File Server. I was really sweating as the server would not boot. I took the drive out and put it in a freezer for 30 minutes. I then reinstalled it into the file server and Presto! I was up and running. Needless to say I quickly mirrored the drive onto another and got rid of the bad drive. In stand alone client systems, the method I've had the most luck with reviving drives from death has been removing the drive, firmly tapping the top of its case several times, and then re-installing it making sure all cables are secure. I've had a better than 60 percent success rate with this method. From: jphillips If the drive is spinning and you are experiencing these kinds of errors, my experience has been that you are out of luck. If the drive is not spinning, I have been able to remove it from the computer and 'spin' the drive on a flat smooth surface (much like spin the bottle). This will usually free the drive and when placed back in the machine, it will boot. You should immediately back up you data after a successful boot, because the problem will return. The next 'fix' was actually given to me by a Compaq technician several years ago. I had a drive that would not spin and he told me to put the drive in a plastic bag in the freezer overnight and then install back in the computer. Believe it or not, the drive booted. I have only tried this the one time. From: John Turcotte In the past, when a drive has failed after it has been running for a short period, I have removed it from the machine and placed it in a freezer for a couple of hours, then hooked it up again. It sometimes will run long enough to remove the data to another safe storage medium. From: David Furlow One of the methods I have used before (sometimes even successfully) is to actually remove the drive from the PC, place it in the freezer for a day, then quickly put it back in the machine and try to access it. Why does this work? Who knows, but I heard about this tactic years ago, and it has saved my behind on a couple of occasions. (Of course, if it comes back up, back up the data immediately.... Guess that should go without saying.)

Hard drive revival: A technique I have learned is if you bring the temperature of the hard drive down to the freezing point by putting it in a freezer first and then taking it back out, somehow the condensation from bringing it back to room temperature helps revive it for about 20 minutes. It can be repeated about 5-6 times tops. Long enough to get out any important files that need to be backed up. It has been proven to work a number of times. From: Christopher Post How do you bring a hard drive back to life? My situation: Half of a volume set goes south on a WinNT server, no good backup and an angry boss screaming about the data being mission critical. My solution: ** A bit unorthodox but, it has saved my butt! ** • Turn off the server. • Take out the failing hard drive and wrap a static bag around it. • Throw it in the freezer conveniently located in the break room. • Pray for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. • Leaving the hard drive in the bag, quickly plug the drive back into the server. (Just plug the in cables and go.) • Cross fingers, turn it on, and move all data off the drive as fast as you can! Then add a tape drive and start backing the dumb thing up! My so-called logic: Metal contracts when it is cold.... so the platters shrink and increase the clearance for the read/write heads. From: Chris Poole Put the drive in the freezer for about a week and then you can usually get one last read off the drive. From: Cheyenne Robert Alspach Here are some drive recovery tricks that have worked for me, in the order that I do them. Try booting the drive and copying the data off after every step. 1. Hold the drive upside down, making gravity change the head geometry ever so slightly. Vertical is also another option. 2. Slightly rap the drive with your knuckle, (but nowhere near hard enough to damage the drive). 3. Try the drive in another machine, (slight drive voltage change assumed to be the miracle worker here). 4. Rap the drive just SLIGHTLY harder than you did above in 2. 5. Freeze the hard drive in the freezer for two hours, and place in a plastic zip lock bag to prevent condensation from forming on the drive when you plug it back into the system, (headgeometry, electrical resistance lowered, electrical contact points adjusted, etc., assumed to be the miracle here). 6. After the drive warms up to room temperature or better, rap it even harder with your knuckle this time. 7. Repeat all of above steps on next day, as sometimes I've gotten data off drive simply by trying again.

Hmmm sounds like a toughy to me. Back in the old days when I first started teching, if we ran into a problem like this, there were only a few ways to deal with it. I will go over these options now: QUESTION: What do you think you can do about this, Mr. Tech? First Answer Nothing, your computer is too old, and the data on there is not really of that much importance. If you really want it back, you can get a hold of a company called "Total Recall" out of Denver and get charged thousands of dollars to get your files back. Besides, with Y2K, this machine ain’t gonna run anyway, and prices are so low right now, there is no reason why you should not upgrade now. 2) Well, I can take it back to the shop and pretend like I know what I am doing for 3-6 hours. Then I will call you the for the next week and a half giving you excuses as to why I am not able to get your information off of that hard drive. Of course, I won’t charge you anything, but I will expect compensation for all the time I wasted on your hard drive. 3) I could take the hard drive out of your machine, plug into my Secondary IDE controller, and boot up. Hopefully, I can see your hard drive and have the ability to copy all of your files to a temp folder on my machine called "Your Name." After I collect all information, I would run IBM's WIPE on the drive and then a thorough scandisk, just to see if the cause was sunspot related or not. If......this was not working, then extreme temperatures always have a way of talking older hard drives into giving us what we want. I would then wrap the HD in a Ziplock bag and slam it in the freezer for 12 hours. Pull it out the next day and very quickly plug it into my machine, copying what I can as quickly as possible until the drive dies again, repeating until all files are copied and safe. If.....that don’t work, move onto the extreme heat. A Shrink wrap gun works best, but a hairdryer will do the trick if that is all you have. Wrap one end of the HD in a towel and use the shrink wrap gun or dryer to heat the hard drive. Very quickly plug it in and copy files until finished. Repeat until all necessary files are copied and you are done. You may not think it works, but when you are down to that as your last does.

From: Lichtenwalner Allen L TSgt Solution: • Carefully remove it from the computer. • Place it in the freezer for 24 hours, then put it back in the computer. You should have approximately 30 minutes of good spin time left before a final and much more permanent shut down. This problem often arises from a catastrophic hard disk crash bearings are usually the culprit, coupled with badly worn read/write heads. I've used this technique on many computers throughout the last fifteen years as "resident expert" and saved virtually all important data. If you're in a pinch for time, such as critical data needed for a briefing in twenty minutes, you can opt for the more drastic cooling technique—a C02 fire extinguisher... From: Jeff Smoley Here is a solution for really dead drives: ones that won't spin or ones that make those funny grinding noises: Put the drive in the fridge for a few hours. This can shrink up something inside that might let it run long enough to get critical data. If not, try the freezer for a few more. This actually has worked for me in the past. From: Neal Menkus Things we have done in the past that worked: 1. Remove the drive, grab it, and shake the h*ll out of it: "What could it hurt? It's not working anyway…." 2. Place the drive in a freezer for about 10 minutes. 3. Open the drive case in a laminar flow-hood, and give it a spin. (Once it was closed up and reinstalled, it worked long enough to suck the data off of it.) 4. Swap the logic board with one on another drive of the same type. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 worked with older Seagate (which we no longer purchase) drives, which were prone to "stiction" problems. Number 4 worked following an electrical surge (lightning strike), since the data on the platters were still there and OK. From: Clifford Liles Depending on the drive failure I have had success with some rather extreme solutions to data recovery. Symptom: Invalid Drive Specifications Treatment: Basic Check your cmos battery Check your IDE cable and connections Check your jumper settings Remove all other IDE connections but the drive in question Advanced Try disk manager software Try data recovery software Use a bios upgrade card ($39) and allow it to setup the drive Look up the drive specifications on the manufacturer’s Web site and plug them in manually. Turn Off or On Write Precomp—32bit disk access Symptom: Drive does not spin up: "Sticktion" Treatment: Basics Lightly tap the side of the drive case with a screwdrive–r—no power Lightly tap the side of the drive case with a screwdriver–—power on Advanced Cold soak the drive: Freeze in a zip-lock bag Spray drive case with inverted can of canned air Lightly slap the drive on a desk top: (mild frustration) Repeated hammering of the drive on a desk top: (last resort—total frustration only) Symptom: Invalid media type Treatment: Basics Boot with a FAT32 Windows 95 boot disk Sys the drive Advanced fdisk /mbr Check for a virus from a known clean boot disk These are but a few techniques for the doomed platters. These techniques can be used in conjunction with one another to arrive at the desired solution. Lather, rinse, and repeat if necessary.

From: Daniel Philpott Here is the solutions checklist for this problem: Tools needed: • Bootable CD or locked floppy disk—Formatted with an OS that can see the file system of the hard drive. DOS is usually the preferred OS for this function with NTFSDOS from Sysinternals for NTFS reads and DOS utilities for diagnostics/repair. • It should have the ability to boot to and/or see CD-ROM drives, read FAT, FAT32, NTFS, or other common file systems, run common network card drivers and see the network, have disk diagnostic and/or repair utilities, and have antivirus scanning software with current definitions. • Computer Repair Tool Kit—Standard repair tools. • Freezer–—The one in your kitchen will do quite nicely. 1. The first task to recovering a drive is not at all technical—It is social. Prepare your user for the worst but also explain what the realistic chances of recovery are. Then start collecting information that you will need. Here is what you need to know before starting: • What is the goal of recovery, returning to the previous state or recovering the data? • Which is most important? • What is the client willing to spend on recovery? • What OS (NT, 95, Linux) and DOS (FAT, NTFS, FAT32) was the system running? • Where is the computer located? 2. Check the environment: The last question from step 1 is often forgotten and can lead to extensive troubleshooting of a simple problem. Look for an environmental problem that may cause problems for the hard drive. Are there magnets on the computer case close to the hard drive? Is there a fan or heater near the computer? Is a transformer, electrical junction box, or high energy device near the computer (on a floor above or in a nearby wall)? All of these will produce a magnetic (or electromagnetic) field that can cause problems. Equipment that may vibrate the computer even at a very low frequency can cause hard drive heads to skip and jump or even scratch the platters. 3. Turn off the computer, remove the cover, and get ready to the turn the computer on. Then put your ear right next to the drive and power the system on. If you hear any kind of grinding, scratching, or rattling from the drive, turn the computer off as quickly as possible and go to the next step. Otherwise go on to step 5. 4. If the disk has made noise that indicates some sort of mechanical stress, then the problem is the domain of data recovery experts. This is where the client has to make a decision. Do they want to send the drive to a data recovery service, or do they want to destroy the disk in an attempt to recover some data? If the client has information that absolutely needs to be recovered, then send it to the professionals. Remember, you cannot service a hard drive unless you are working in a clean room. If they are willing to destroy the disk and try to get some data off the drive, there is a quick hack available. Place the drive in a static-free bag, then place the drive and static-free bag into a ziplock bag to seal out moisture. Place this into a freezer turned to as low as possible for 24 hours. After 24 hours, pull the drive out and immediately put it into a computer (the faster the better) that boots to a floppy and has another hard drive to transfer data to. If the drive wasn't damaged too much previously, you should be able to pull some data off before the metal of the drive heats up and starts destroying the data storage platters. You can repeat the process only if you shut down almost immediately and go through the 24 hour freeze process again. Chances are that the first time attempt will be the only chance to recover data. 5. If the drive boots to an operating system and you can get to either a net work or backup medium, then start copying the most important data off first. Once that data is off, you can back up less important data. The best bet is to listen to your client to find out what absolutely must be recovered. 6. If the client wants to restore the drive to its previous state and continue operating, then you need to do two things to see if this is feasible. • First, run a virus scan on the drive. Update the virus definitions then scan every file on the computer. • Second, boot to a floppy-disk-based hard drive utility and run a low-level bad sector discovery utility. If both tests pass and the computer boots to the operating system, then your job is done and you are eligible for a pat on the back. Otherwise, continue. 7. If the drive does not boot, then try booting to a bootable CD or a bootable locked floppy disk. If you can see the file system, continue to step 8. If you can not see the file system, then assess your tools. If you have R Studio, then you can use these to diagnose and recover data. The client needs to make the choice as to whether the expense of this solution is worth the recovery of the data. 8. If you can see the file system, then priority actions are: • Copy the most important data off the drive • Copy the rest of the data off the drive • Determine if the drive can be recovered (scan with virus checker and disk utilities) • Repair the operating system The best way of doing this is to install your spare hard drive in the computer and boot to either it or the CD/floppy bootable. Copy the important data off first, copy the less important data off next, and then do your diagnostics. If your diagnostics look like the drive is repairable, then go right ahead and repair it. However, the FAT (or FAT16) is the most commonly readable file system around, so generally you will want to transfer data to this file system. If it becomes apparent that the file system is intact and not infected with a virus (or has had a boot sector virus removed), then you may need to replace the Master Boot Record (MBR) of the drive. Simple. Boot to a DOS disk that has the fdisk utility and run an 'fdisk /MBR' to replace the MBR. Remember, balance the time it takes to restore the operating system against the time it takes to recover data, get a new drive, and install a fresh operating system. Normally, disk recovery is simply a matter of recovering the data. Returning a drive to its previous state is a goal but may simply be more costly than recovering the data and replacing the drive. How much effort to expend on the process is entirely up to you and the client.

Drop it From: Bob Matott Besides the typical use of sys C: to transfer back the system files deleted during "housecleaning" by typical users, I've gotten lucky by turning the drive upside down and setting it on top of the power supply (which seemed to remove "a static charge" that had built up). Also have used various Disk Manager packages to "talk" to drives with FAT/NTFS corruptions just to recover the data. If drives are being reformatted from an operating system that doesn't want to "fully go away" (can name a few!), the disk manager software has also worked in this scenario many times to get rid of the old and allow you to reformat with the new. Of course, there's always the "drop it from 4-5" onto a flat hard surface" or "smack the side of the case with the flat of your hand" approaches. Believe it or not, both techniques have worked. Rumor has it that sometimes the heads "stick" to the platters during parking/cool down. From: Kenneth Lillemo Sometimes a hard drive that has been running since nearly forever won't spin up after being shutdown for a while. This can be caused by the heads sticking to the platter. As a LAST resort, I will drop the drive onto a firm surface from approximately eight inches. Inevitably, this will solve the problem and the drive is useable long enough to remove the data. My Sys admin spouse gives me a funny look every time I do it but can't argue with the results.

From: Peter Tello If the low level diagnostics fail, I declare it officially dead. At that point, I have nothing to lose, so I pull it out and over a thin carpet, drop it 6" squarely on all 4 sides, repeating this 2 or 3 times. I have approximately a 50 percent successful boot-up rate, usually enough to copy the data off and save my behind for not having it backed up in the first place. From: TDC Tech This is a one-time fix—long enough to revive HD to get data. • Take the HD out of the computer and squarely drop it on the closed side of the drive (to your bench) with perhaps a little slam. • This seems to free up the bearings long enough to copy data off of the hard drive. I have quite a bit of luck, but 90 percent of the time it only works once. Hit it From: Karen_Roman 1. Check CMOS settings to make sure the drive setting are what they should be—the CMOS battery could be dead or the user may have changed the settings. A bad hard drive could cause the Autodetect to misread settings. 2. Boot from a floppy disk and run fdisk/mbr to restore the backup copy of the master boot record. 3. Image the drive with drive copy program to a new drive. 4. It’s possible the HDD controller is bad. Try the drive in another machine. 5. Boot from a floppy attach to a network drive or have a secondary drive installed and if you can access the data copy it off to there. 6. The drive could have a stiction problem. Tap it gently on the sides, preferably with a rubber mallet From: Alan Gates As "unscientific" as this sounds, I have found that rapping the drive case a couple of times sometimes allows the drive to come up. I have had several experiences in the past like this. Sometimes the drive is having trouble "spinning up." Obviously, the drive is on its last legs but a rap on the drive case will sometimes free it to spin up. This will allow the system to boot so the data can be backed up before the drive goes into the trash... From: Bob Barker I have found on more than a few occasions that older disks can develop a sticking problem. I believe it is a combination of weak motor and surface-to-surface tension between the disk and heads. This problem usually shows up on older disks that have been running a few years (usually 24 hours a day) and then shut down for service or other reasons. • When you try to start up again, the disk will not spin and you get disk errors trying to boot. After checking for the usual problems (power, cables, jumpers, etc.) and finding that the drive was in fact not spinning, I have had great success jarring the disk with my palm (of my hand, not my PDA). I some times have to be a little more violent to get it to start but I have never had to use a hammer

• I would be careful using this method if the data on the disk must be recovered at any cost which I would then send to On-Track or some other expensive data recovery company. • I have found this problem mostly with older servers, but a few weeks ago I ran into the same thing on a two-year-old Compaq IDE drive that was only used a few hours a day. From: Randy Forston If the hard drive isn't making noise and when you place your hand on it (not on the PC Board side, but on the metal casing), you don't feel any vibration from the drive, you may have a sticking problem (some older drives with a variety of drive lube no longer used have this problem). If the above describes the symptoms you're seeing, try rapping around the drive case with the plastic handle of a screwdriver. This will quite often remedy the stiction and allow the drive to come back up as normal. From: philn Hi there, A few things can be performed on a crashed drive before declaring it DEAD: 1. Touch the drive (or listen to it) to feel whether it's spinning. Some drives gradually suffer from spin-up problem but otherwise work fine once spinning. If it doesn't spin at power up, gently knock on the side the drive once or twice to jump start it. This works best if you knock on the drive approx. one or two seconds after power is applied. Repeat the procedure a few times and add a little more force if necessary. Remember that too much force can permanently damage the drive, but again, you have nothing too lose at this point. 2. If drive spins normally and stays spinning, try listening for irregular sounds emitting from the drive. A series of 'clicking' sound usually signifies multiple bad sectors including the boot sector that can prevent drive from booting. If drive 'Auto Detect' is enabled, make sure that its signature is shown at boot screen. If not, drive is certainly suffered from major hardware failure. 3. Check system's CPU to make sure it's not overheating (CPU can run warm, but should not be hot) due to a failed cooling fan, etc. Overheating the CPU can cause the system to be unbootable or cause the system to reboot itself frequently. 4. You could use another system to test the problematic drive to make sure that the controller is not at fault. Try both "Auto" and "User Type" (where you manually enter the drive's parameters) settings. 5. Try booting with a floppy and run 'fdisk' to view drive information. Some drives suddenly lost all of their data possibly due to corrupted FAT, but otherwise, continue to work fine once initialized and formatted. In many cases, FAT can be restored by executing Norton Utilities from floppy. If all failed and data from drive must be retrieved, you can try swapping its hardware (drive's main board) with similar working drive. Though this procedure can void drive warranty, but your data is more important, right? Or else, you try services that can save your data from dead drive for a fee. From: Lyle Giese Put CMOS back to auto for HD and see if it sees an HD at all. Put in a bootable floppy—can you see the HD? (Don't forget to write protect the floppy in case this was a virus.) Now try EZDrive. Some versions (I have several on hand with different advanced options) show what parameters the hard drive is set to in CMOS and what parameters the drive was formattedwith. The second set is important. Sometimes the BIOS doesn't auto correctly. Listen to the HD. If it powers up normally by sound (no strong thumping sound) and the platters seem to spin up, you still have a chance. If the drive spins up and then down or if it emits a strong thumping sound, the hard drive is toast and only a professional recovery company with a clean room can help. If the HD doesn't spin up at all, occasionally you can gently slam it down to get stuck platters unstuck and it will spin up long enough to back up your data. The HD is toast physically at this point, and it needs to be replaced before trying the slam technique. There were also a few older HDs that had the flywheel exposed, and you could nudge it slightly and they would spin up long enough to back up the data. Again these are last resort techniques and you ARE planning on replacing the HD anyway. From here, one of several software products are available to assist you as long as the drive spins up physically to assist the technician. Most of these products can read drives with damaged FAT tables or missing sectors. And it could be just a simple matter of losing the Active attribute for the partition! Also, viruses can cause this by blasting the partition table, and some of the professional revival products can assist from here. Good luck! From: Christopher Tolmie • If the drive is not spinning up on power-on, I'll lightly rap on the side of the drive enclosure with the handle of a screwdriver while listening for the platters to begin to spool-up. • If it doesn’t spin up, I'll increase the pressure of each rap until it does start spinning. I've gone to the extreme of picking up an externally mounted full height 5.25" disk drive and slamming it continuously on the desk while it was starting up. • I did this for over six months until the drive finally died completely, but I did extend its life and it never had corrupt data on it. Of course, it was all backed up. If the drive won't spin, then you aren't going to recover the data. • You can you a third-party utility like RESCUE that reads the drive directly using its own operating system and saving individual files and directories to another drive. I've recovered entire drives this way it is time consuming but it works. When all else fails, send it to the professionals. . From: Craig Shipaila Before you do the following, make sure that the controller is not the problem or a cable on backwards, etc., by taking the drive out of the computer and putting into another one to see if it’s the computer causing the problem. If the other items have been checked, then do (what we call) the slam test. If the drive is dead the only thing you can really do is: 1. Find out if the person needs any important info that you might be able to get off of computer. 1a. If person has data they cannot live without and the drive is not running, take the drive out of the computer and slam it down to the desktop to get the motor running. Nine out of 10 times, this will get the motor running long enough to get data. If needed you can also send the drive into a White Room to have them get the info.

From: Joseph Bruno Actually, the solution Isn't mine. We had several Dell PCs and the C drive went out on one (with no current backup, of course). The Dell tech came out with a new drive but the warranty didn't include data recovery for which they wanted a $5,000 deposit and offered no guarantees. I asked the tech if there was anything we could do on our own to get the drive to spin up so we could get a backup. "Well", he replied, "there is one thing I've done that sometimes unsticks the drive." He then took the drive out and slammed it flat down on the desk as hard as he could. After putting it back in the drive, it spun up. I was advised to back up the data before shutting down the system as "the slam" doesn't always work and seldom works a second time. Fortunately, once was enough in this case. The data was backed up to a portable tape drive and the C drive was replaced and restored. From: Sam Espana I have used several ways to solve the same issue. The reason is the fact that a hard drive is a hard drive is a hard drive, or is it? The answer is NO. If a hard drive is failing it’s usually because it is legacy equipment that often doesn't even support LBA mode. But, sometimes it isn't even the hard drive that’s causing the problem. Say what? That's right. By in large, I first approach this situation by asking the user how much hard drive space he/she used to have. Usually the answer is over 512 megabytes. But, again, you'll be surprised. Secondly, I ask the user if this is the first time this situation has occurred and whether or not he/she knows if we are dealing with a new or old computer. Armed with the above answers. I usually solve this problem by performing a combination of the tasks described below. 1) Test the motherboard BIOS/CMOS battery. Often, the hard drive is just fine. But, the internal battery is dead. Some computers like a few Packard Bells I have dealt with have LBA and 32-bit mode turned off by default. Those settings may have been enabled during assembly, but now that the battery is dead they are set back to factory settings (when the user turns his/her computer off) rendering the hard drive inaccessible. Solution: Change the internal battery and enable CMOS LBA/32-bit mode. 2) Ask if the computer has been moved recently. Often, when computers are moved, data cables are detached from hard drives and/or motherboards. Obviously, without a data or power cable, a hard drive will never work. Solution: Reattach cables and be prepare to actually replace them. 3) Worst case scenario. It is the hard drive that does not seem to respond. Then, replace the hard drive with a new Master drive and install the faulty drive as a Slave drive. Make sure you install the same Operating System used by the Slave on the Master. Then, proceed to probe the Slave drive. Ideally, at this point you should use diagnostics tools such as Micro-Scope from Micro2000. If you have experience, you should not close the computer box making sure that the Slave drive is within reach. Twice, I have been able to restart a hard drive after gently banging on it (once as Slave and once as a Master.) Don't miss the boat. Even if you happen to restart the faulty Slave drive, you must copy your info to the Master so that you are not placed in the same situation again because the next time you may not be as lucky. The above procedure works whether the drive is an IDE or SCSI drive. However, when using SCSI hard drive, you may have to test the SCSI card as well. I am leaving now to fix a drive that belongs to a RAID

From: Earle Pearce When a drive is really gone—cannot be read at all—due to a physical failure, I employ a trick that has yet to fail me. 1. Install the replacement as an additional drive. 2. Remove the bad drive and smite it firmly on both edges (bang it on something solid)! 3. Reinstall it, reboot, and it will work long enough to get the data copied to the replacement drive. 4. I haven't had the opportunity to check this step yet but I think it should work. If it's the boot drive that's bad, mirror the boot partition to the replacement drive, then break the mirror, remove the bad drive rejumper, and boot to the new one. The rest of the solutions From: Scott Wittell, MCP A+ I had to laugh when I saw this easy fix, and it does work. We were able to bring back a failed drive in an older HP server running NetWare 4.11. First step is to remove the drive from the machine. Second, hold the drive flat in your palms. Third, shake the drive a few times in an up-and-down motion, like you're trying to hammer a nail. Don't let the drive hit the floor though. I've used this technique on numerous occasions, works every time. The Hair Dryer Method For the last resort (when the drive really did die, it-is-not -even-spinning type crashes), there is a possible solution that comes from the early days of hard drives. Back then you were not supposed to turn them off—I don't know why but IBM said never turn them off unless you are standing there. One of our main computers was housed in a closet where I could not hear it well and had a power supply failure that apparently took days to complete. I happened to open the closet for some other reason and discove red a warm box and immediately went through the shut down sequence to take it off line for a new power source. Several days later, the unit was shut down again for a long weekend of downtime on a routine maintenance schedule and upon restarting the system the hard drive would not work. I am pretty good at backing up everything but could not find the backup disk anywhere. Panic. I am the author of a newsletter that goes to hundreds of subscribers everyday, and the mailing list was on the dead drive. I replaced the drive and reloaded everything but was going through sobbing spells as I looked for solutions to recover the lost data. Data recovery companies wanted over five thousand dollars to try to recover the data. A client of mine told me he once possessed an old 286 that required a hair dryer to get it running every time he turned it on. The fellow who had built it for him was an IBM technician and gave him the hair dryer idea because that is what IBM used to do to restart the drives in down machines. So on the bench machine with the drive out where the dryer could get to it and still be hooked up, I began the process. Lo and behold, it worked. While it was running, I downloaded all the missing data and immediately uploaded it to the new drive. Don't laugh, I got my outcome and can now say I recovered a fully dead hard drive with my wife's hair dryer. From: John B. As for me, I have had good success with this method (about 50-50). I take the drive, and suspend it 4" over a plastic carpet tool (one of those things you see in an office to help thechair wheels go). I then let it "fall" while still holding it, twice on each long edge, then once flat on top and bottom. You want firm, but not too hard raps on the plastic. I find that the carpet underneath seems to cushion the blow just enough. This appears to work on drives with stuck read-write heads most of the time. If the center bearing is locked up, nothing short of a miracle will bring it back. In any case, have a second drive ready to receive your files when you attempt to restart.

From: Tony A. Dead system—System "A" B. Known working system—System "B" C. I am assuming that the system board is posting and responding in the correct manner. And that no Jumpers have been moved on any of the equipment. Step 1. Verify power to Hard Drive (HD), Multi-tester (VDC), or another system plug. If power (See step #2) If no power, swap/replace plugs/power supply. Step 2. Swap hard drive from A to B and boot. If boot, then HD is good. (See step #3) If Noboot, then replace HD. Step 3. REMOVE...DISABLE if onboard.... all un-needed devices from System A...modem, sound card...etc. NOTE: Label HD ribbon cables A and B before removal from systems. "A" for System "A" and "B" for System "B") Step 4. Remove from system A and B the HD, and ribbon cable that connects it to the motherboard...(MB) Step 5. Swap drive and cables from B to A and connect to MB. If boot then controller on MB "A" is good (See step #6.) If No-boot then MB controller is bad.... replace MB. Step 6. Return HD's and cables to original systems, Remove HD ribbon cables from both systems, swap B for A and boot...If boot then ribbon cable on A is bad...replace. If No-boot then... Balance your check book, and get out the sale've got bigger problems!! From: Eddie N. The two techniques that I have used to get a failed hard drive to come back to life is to Sys the drive from a boot disk and/or to use the fdisk/mbr command form a boot disk. I have used these together and independent of each other. From: Paul W. Dead disk drives? There's a bunch of steps I would take if the drive weren’t being recognized by either the auto setup or manual entry. 1) Check your Master/Slave/Standalone jumper settings and make sure they are correct and don't conflict with another device on the same IDE channel. 2) Check for bent pins on the connectors. 3) Try a known good cable—Floppy and IDE cables often seem to go down the gurgler at the worst possible time for some unknown reason. 4) Try a known good drive on your IDE channel and check the channel. If it doesn't respond: • Try another IDE port (if there's two) • Disable onboard IDE and try another I/O card (one that’s known to be good of course) 5) Try the disk in another PC.6) Here's where it starts getting tricky. By now you must be reasonably convinced you have a bad case of galloping disk rot. On some drives (not all), if you have an identical same model drive, you can swap over the logic board. This will let you know if it is the embedded controller on the logic board. With luck, your disk will roar into life and you can suck the data off onto somewhere safe. 7) If your disk is making a hideous noise like a peg-legged man with a vacuum cleaner on a wooden floor (whirrr, clunk, whirrr, clunk....), then it is likely you have a dropped head. This is where you have start making decisions about how much your data is worth, because to go any further is going to cost big time and may require factory technicians to try and repair the disk in a clean-room environment. If your data was that important, then it would have been backed up. (Of course it would have been, they all respond in loud voices) 8) She's dead, Jim. How fast can you type? In a nutshell, this is my summary of the death cycle of a hard disk. From: Daniel F. Get an identical Hard Drive and swap out the Logic Unit (Electronic Board). Set your CMOS to autodetect. You’re good to go!!! From: Miles H. • Check cables are on and are the correct way round. • Check jumpers to ensure the disk has the correct setting (depending on otherisks or CD-ROM used on the same controller, if any). • Check Bios setting for Model of PC is current. Download latest version if necessary. • Boot from DOS floppy, use FDISK to check if disk can be seen. If the disk is there, then I would suggest using GHOST or similar to copy the image from disk to disk. • If the disk was not apparently running, I would swap the disk out and install it into a PC that was working. • The options here would be to have the 'faulty' disk as the master or slave depending on your situation. • If installed and works as master, ghost the image to the network. • If installed as slave, boot the PC and use ghost to copy from disk to disk or to Network. • If disk was still in a state of absolute failure, I would suggest contacting the disk manufacturer to ask their advice. • They may have some low-level disk checking/repairing software. • I would also install a new disk into the original PC with O/S on and ask the user to ensure all data is put onto the network (if possible). • If all else fails, then you'd have to chalk it up as experience and hopefully someone would learn to ensure sufficient backup procedure were implemented. • Therefore, the next time this happened it would not matter. You would be able to reinstall the O/S and Applications (manually or automate) and restore data back to the user (if held locally).

NVIDIA's GeForce 6800 GS graphics processor review

GeForce 6800 GS: Where Two Generations Meet The very successful graphics card GeForce 6800, based on the 0.11-micron NV42 graphics processor, has a number of indisputable advantages including simple PCB design, support of advanced technologies like Shader Model 3.0 and HDR, and very low power consumption and heat dissipation parameters achieved through the use of the progressive tech process. Priced at about $199, this 12-pipelined card would be nearly ideal if it were not for its slow memory, clocked at 350 (700) MHz. This is a very low clock rate by today’s standards. So, despite the 256-bit memory bus, it is the memory that prevents the GeForce 6800 from showing its full potential, especially in high resolutions and with enabled full-screen antialiasing. For example, in our PowerColor X800 GT review the 12-pipelined GeForce 6800 was often slower than the 8-pipelined RADEON X800 GT in the “eye candy” test mode, i.e. with enabled full-screen antialiasing and anisotropic filtering, and only due to the sheer difference in the memory bandwidth (32GB/s against 22.4GB/s). The ATI RADEON X800 GT is in fact an answer to the NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT, while the GeForce 6800 is supposed to fight another market opponent, ATI’s RADEON X800 GTO, which has 12 pixel pipelines and GDDR3 memory clocked at 1GHz. So, we suspect it will also have some advantage over the GeForce 6800 in high resolutions, especially if you turn on FSAA. Meanwhile, the 0.11-micron NV42 chip is known to have a very high frequency potential and can be easily overclocked from 325 to 450MHz and higher, its power consumption still remaining low. It was also clear that NVIDIA did not have a product to oppose the yet-unavailable RADEON X1600 XT with. The GeForce 6800 doesn’t suit for this part due to obvious reasons, but it also belongs to a lower price category ($199 against $249). The GeForce 6800 GT could serve that purpose, but NV40 and NV45 chips are being manufactured at IBM facilities and have a high cost, so NVIDIA doesn’t have much room for price adjustment with them.

Taken all together, these facts just called for the obvious solution. The potential of the inexpensive NV42 chip could be made use of to add more vigor to the GeForce 6800 by increasing the GPU clock rate and equipping it with 256MB of faster memory. That’s the background behind NVIDIA’s new product, GeForce 6800 GS, which is expected to replace the more expensive GeForce 6800 GT and challenge the RADEON X1600 XT as well as the RADEON X800 XL. We’ll check this graphics card today to see how power-economical and fast it is in comparison with competing solutions. Today’s graphics processors are often pin-compatible with their predecessors for the developers not to spend time and money on designing new PCBs. An example of this approach is the RADEON X8 series from ATI Technologies: the entire series, from X800 GT to X850 XT Platinum Edition, use unified PCBs with minor variations. NVIDIA’s GeForce 7800 and GeForce 6800 GPUs are also physically compatible, so the company didn’t have to develop the PCB for the new product from scratch. They already had the GeForce 7800 GT printed circuit board. Simple (i.e. ch**p) and rather compact, it could normally power up a 20-pipelined GPU working at 400MHz and memory clocked at 1GHz. So, it was sure to suffice for the 12-pipelined NV42, even clocked at a high frequency. As you have already guessed, that PCB became the foundation of the GeForce 6800 GS graphics card: If it were not for the cooler and the connectors (DVI-I and D-Sub), you wouldn’t tell the new card from a GeForce 7800 GT. NVIDIA abandoned the efficient but noisy cooling system of the GeForce 7800 GT, but equipped the reference sample of the GeForce 6800 GS with the cooler from the GeForce 6800 GT. In brief, the cooler consists of three parts: a plastic casing with a blower, a GPU heatsink and an L-shaped heatsink with a heat pipe for cooling the memory chips. The L-shaped heatsink on our card was electrochemically blackened for better heat transfer, while in the original cooler it had been just painted black. The pipe transfers heat to the heatsink section which is blown at by the fan. This way the GDDR3 memory clocked at 500 (1000) MHz is effectively cooled. For comparison, the memory chips on RADEON X800 GTO and RADEON X1600 XT cards is not cooled at all. The GPU heatsink is made of copper, although NVIDIA had earlier used all-aluminum heatsinks of the same shape. It was ASUS Computer that first employed a copper heatsink on a GeForce 6800 in its unique V9999 Gamer Edition graphics card which actually had the same technical characteristics as the today’s GeForce 6800 GS, but worked on the AGP platform. Generally speaking, copper has better heat conductivity but worse heat capacity than aluminum. In other words, a copper heatsink takes heat off the GPU faster and more effectively, but requires a stronger airflow. The blower installed in the GeForce 6800 GS cooling system can create this airflow, but its noise characteristics may be too much for a sensitive ear – we’ll talk about that in the next section of the review. The main radiator is fastened to the PCB with four spring-loaded screws, so a proper contact with the GPU is guaranteed. The fan speed control system lacks feedback, which we have on graphics cards from ATI Technologies, but it can work in three fixed-speed modes: 2D, Low Power 3D and Performance 3D. The speeds in these modes can be adjusted to some extent with the RivaTuner utility, so you can reduce the noise from the card a little in a particular mode. Typical dark-gray thermal paste with low heat resistance is employed as a thermal interface between the heatsink’s sole and the GPU die. The memory chips touch the heatsink through cloth pads soaked in white thermal paste like on other NVIDIA products. The cooling system is overall satisfactory. It used to cope nicely with 0.13-micron 16-pipelined NV40/45 chips, so it should handle a 0.11-micron 12-pipelined NV42 as well. We removed the memory heatsink to check the marking. NVIDIA employed popular K4J55323QF-GC20 chips of GDDR3 memory from Samsung here. They have 256Mb capacity, 2.0 voltage, and 2.0ns access time. It means they are rated to work at 500 (1000) MHz frequency. And then we took off the main heatsink to see an ordinary NV42 chip that we described some long time ago in our MSI NX6800 review . As you remember, this GPU has 12 pixel and 5 vertex processors and can work at frequencies over 400MHz. The GPU frequency is declared to be 425MHz in the GeForce 6800 GS specification. This is 100MHz above the frequency of the GeForce 6800. Combined with 500 (1000) MHz memory frequency, it should ensure a tremendous performance gain – the GeForce 6800 GS seems to have much more raw power than the GeForce 6800. The card is not equipped with a VIVO chip, although there is a place for it on the PCB. NVIDIA probably tried to reduce the cost of the product as much as possible, but some graphics card manufacturers will probably equip their versions of the GeForce 6800 GS with an appropriate chip from Philips. The GeForce 6800 GS fully supports NVIDIA’s SLI technology. Unfortunately, we couldn’t test it in this mode since we had only one sample of the GeForce 6800 GS on our hands. But as soon as we get a second one, we’ll tell you how fast such SLI configurations may be. Power consumption has become a crucial parameter of any modern graphics card and we of course checked how much juice NVIDIA’s new product needs. Officially, the GeForce 6800 GS can eat up to 70 watts of power at maximum, but this is a purely theoretical number, hardly achieved under real conditions. We checked the power consumption of the card on a special testbed configured like follows: Intel Pentium 4 560 processor (3.60GHz, 1MB L2 cache) Intel Desktop Board D925XCV PC4300 DDR2 SDRAM (2 x 512МБ) Samsung SpinPoint SP1213C hard disk drive (Serial ATA-150, 8MB buffer) Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP2, DirectX 9.0c The GPU was put to test by running the third 3DMark05 subtest in a loop in 1600x1200 resolution with enabled 4x FSAA and 16x AF. We performed the measurements with a digital multimeter Velleman DVM850BL (its 0.5% accuracy suits well for our purpose). And here are the results: The high frequencies and the 256 megabytes of onboard memory must be fed amply: the peak power consumption of the GeForce 6800 GS is high, closely approaching that of the GeForce 6800 GT. Even the 0.11-micron tech process couldn’t help the new graphics card much. The RADEON X1600 XT consumes 13 watts less, but it has a 0.09-micron GPU, only 4 texture-mapping units, and 4 memory chips (the GeForce 6800 GS carries eight memory chips). Curiously, the new card almost does not use the 3.3V power line, consuming a mere 0.1W from it. This is a characteristic feature of the PCB and power circuit of the GeForce 7800 GT we mentioned in our NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT review . Overall, our expectations about the power consumption of the GeForce 6800 GS came true. The card requires about 55W under load, i.e. about the same amount as the GeForce 6800 GT needs. The new card is just a little worse than the RADEON X800 XL in this parameter, and noticeably worse than the newer RADEON X1600 XT. On the other hand, the power consumption remains at a reasonable level, not exceeding even 60 watts. Theoretically speaking, the card could do even without an external power source, but feed through the PCI Express slot alone, as the ATI RADEON X800 XL with a slightly lower power consumption does, for example. Most likely, this was not implemented due to technical reasons: the power circuit borrowed from the GeForce 7800 GT probably must have an external power source. This should positively affect the stability of operation and the overclockability of the GeForce 6800 GS, by the way. Noise, Overclocking, 2D Quality Our GeForce 6800 GS being an engineering sample, its cooler could only work in two modes. The fan is rotating at its full speed and is rather loud until the OS and the ForceWare driver are loaded. After that the fan speed goes down and its noise diminishes, but not to vanish completely. The fact is the fan-control system on our sample of the card was programmed in such a way that the fan speed was constant in all the modes (2D, Low Power 3D and Performance 3D). RivaTuner agrees with us: the sliders stand on 53% for all three modes. Of course, the speed-control system will be set up properly in the final revision of the card, and its acoustic characteristics will be like those of the GeForce 6800 GT which is not silent, but is not annoyingly loud, either. Moreover, some graphics card makers will surely equip their versions of the GeForce 6800 GS with quieter coolers. We were much pleased with the overclockability of our sample of the card. We easily overclocked the GPU from the default 425MHz to 500MHz. The cooling system probably prevented it from speeding up more (the GPU was stable even at 540MHz, but there were some visual artifacts on the screen). But the real surprise was that the memory could work at 680 (1360) MHz – a fantastic achievement for 2.0ns memory chips! We know of many cases when Samsung’s K4J55323QF-GC20 could work at 550-600 (1100-1200) MHz, but not higher! Could NVIDIA have culled chips especially for the engineering sample of the GeForce 6800 GS or maybe they just increased the memory voltage? It is probable since we could not be mistaken. The monitoring module of RivaTuner reported the frequency gain, and this gain resulted in an appropriate performance gain in tests, and the card was absolutely stable at that. You can rarely meet a graphics card today that would provide other than excellent image quality in 2D applications. The new product from NVIDIA was not an exception, giving out a crystal-sharp picture in all display modes supported by our monitors. We observed no fuzziness or ghosting or any other undesired effect. The next section of the review deals with the performance of the new graphics card in games. Testbed and Methods AMD Athlon 64 4000+ CPU (2.40GHz, 1MB L2 cache) ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe mainboard (NVIDIA nForce4 SLI chipset) OCZ PC3200 Platinum EL DDR SDRAM (2 x 1GB, CL2-3-2-5) Samsung SpinPoint SP1213C (Serial ATA-150, 8MB buffer) Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 sound card Cooler Master Real Power 450 power supply (RS-450-ACLY, 450W) Dell P1130 and Dell P1110 monitors (21”, 1800x1440@75Hz max display mode) Microsoft Windows XP Pro SP2 with DirectX 9.0c ATI Catalyst 5.9 (with RADEON X1000 support) NVIDIA ForceWare 81.87 (according to NVIDIA, this version is an analog of the WHQL-certified ForceWare 81.85, but features support of GeForce 6800 GS and some other new products) We set up the ATI and NVIDIA drivers in the following way: ATI CATALYST 5.9: CATALYST A.I.: Standard Mipmap Detail Level: Quality Wait for vertical refresh: Always off Adaptive antialiasing: Off Temporal antialiasing: Off Quality AF: Off Other settings: default NVIDIA ForceWare 81.87: Image Settings: Quality Vertical sync: Off Trilinear optimization: On Anisotropic mip filter optimization: Off Anisotropic sample optimization: On Gamma correct antialiasing: On (for GeForce 7 only) Transparency antialiasing: Off (for GeForce 7 only) Other settings: default We select the highest graphics quality settings in each game, identical for graphics cards from ATI and NVIDIA. If possible, we use the games’ integrated benchmarking tools (to record and reproduce a demo and measure the reproduction speed in frames per second). Otherwise we measure the frame rate with the FRAPS utility. If it is possible, we measure minimal as well as average fps rates to give you a fuller picture. We turn on 4x full-screen antialiasing and 16x anisotropic filtering in the “eye candy” test mode from the game’s own menu if possible. Otherwise we force the necessary mode from the driver. We don’t test the “eye candy” mode if the game engine doesn’t support FSAA. Besides the NVIDIA GeForce 6800 GS, the following graphics cards took part in this test session: GeForce 6800 GT (NV45, 350/1000MHz, **pp, 6vp, 256-bit, 256MB) for details please see our article called Leadtek WinFast PX6800 GT TDH Graphics Card: Overclocker's Dream GeForce 6800 (NV42, 325/600MHz, 12pp, 5vp, 256-bit, 128MB) for details please see our article called MSI NX6800-TD128E (GeForce 6800) in SLI-Configurations: High Speed at a Reasonable Price? RADEON X1600 XT (RV530, 590/1380Mhz, 12pp, 5vp, 128-bit, 256MB) for details please see our article called ATI RADEON X1600 XT: Mainstream Performance Redefined Once Again? RADEON X800 XL (R430, 400/980MHz, **pp, 6vp, 256-bit, 256MB) for details please see our article called ATI's 0.11 Micron Chip on the Run: ATI RADEON X800 XL Review These games and applications were used as benchmarks: First-Person 3D Shooters: >Battlefield 2 >The Chronicles of Riddick >Doom 3 >Far Cry >F.E.A.R. >Half-Life 2 >Pariah >Project Snowblind >Quake 4 >Serious Sam 2 >Unreal Tournament 2004 Third-Person 3D Shooters: >Prince of Persia: Warrior Within >Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Simulators: >Colin McRae Rally 2005 >Pacific Fighters Strategies: >Age of Empires 3 >Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War Semi-synthetic benchmarks: >Aquamark3 >Final Fantasy XI Official Benchmark 3 Synthetic benchmarks: >Futuremark 3DMark03 build 360 >Futuremark 3DMark05 build 120 Performance in First-Person 3D Shooters Battlefield 2 The GeForce 6800 GS is generally as fast as the GeForce 6800 GT (maybe a little slower in high resolutions without FSAA since the new product’s fill rate is lower). The RADEON X1600 XT is slower than the GeForce 6800 GS in almost every resolution, being limited in speed by its four TMUs. The overclocking gain we managed to get from our GeForce 6800 GS is proportional to the impressive frequency gain and amounts to 30% in some cases Conclusion So, is the new graphics card from NVIDIA a worthy successor to the passing-away GeForce 6800 GT and is it a worthy rival to the new ATI RADEON X1600 XT? We can answer both these questions in affirmative, now that we’ve seen the GeForce 6800 GS in action. The new member of the GeForce 6800 family turned to be faster than the older one, sometimes by as much as 30-40%! The injection of megahertz steroids into the GeForce 6800 architecture brings about the desired effect. In most games and applications the GeForce 6800 GS leaves no chance to the RADEON X1600 XT, a not yet available product from ATI Technologies. In a few cases these two graphics cards have the same speed, and the RADEON X1600 XT won 3DMark05, but this is hardly an achievement. Considering the identical price of these two graphics cards (about $250), the GeForce 6800 GS enjoys a complete victory, making the RADEON X1600 XT a much less appealing product for gamers. It is yet too early to make any final verdicts, since the latter device obviously suffers from insufficient driver optimization, but the general trend is unfavorable for ATI Technologies. The RV530 graphics processor has a performance-negative feature: it has only four texture-mapping units which automatically become a bottleneck in games that operate with high-resolution textures. Another drawback is the 128-bit memory bus. Working at 690 (1380) MHz, it has a maximum bandwidth of 22.1GB/s, while the 256-bit memory bus of the GeForce 6800 GS clocked at 500 (1000) MHz easily provides 32GB/s and positively affects the performance of the card in high resolutions and/or with enabled full-screen antialiasing. If the price of the RADEON X1600 XT remains the same, it will not stand a chance against the GeForce 6800 GS, except in applications where low power consumption and advanced video support are crucial. Note also that the GeForce 6800 GS is already shipping while the RADEON X1600 XT will be coming to market in mass quantities only starting from November 30. This is a definite advantage for NVIDIA before the imminent Christmas s*l*s season. As for the ATI RADEON X800 XL, the GeForce 6800 GS is slower in some cases, mostly when FSAA and anisotropic filtering are turned on. But each time the new card from NVIDIA could overtake the X800 XL through overclocking. Moreover, the RADEON X800 XL does not support Shader Model 3.0 and HDR which may be important features for PC gamers. The excellent overclockability of the GeForce 6800 GS needs to be mentioned, too. The combination of the GeForce 7800 GT printed circuit board with the 0.11-micron NV42 chip proved to be very overclocker-friendly. We managed to speed up our sample of the card from the default 425/1000MHz to the impressive 500/1360MHz. The ensuing performance gain lifted the speed of the card to the level of the more expensive GeForce 6800 Ultra and this is probably not the limit. We could have achieved higher frequencies if we had replaced the cooling system for something more efficient. Thus, the GeForce 6800 GS is not just a high-performance solution at a relatively low price. It may become a sensation among overclocker! It’s not certain yet how much room for price adjustment NVIDIA has: the 6800 GS PCB is obviously cheaper than the PCB employed in the GeForce 6800 GT, but more expensive than the GeForce 6800 one. Theoretically speaking, the GeForce 6800 GS has some reserve for further price reduction, but considering that the NV42 is produced in mass quantities and the chip yield is high, the price of GeForce 6800 GS graphics cards may go down by a few dozen dollars in a few weeks after the release. On the other hand, NVIDIA may not want to reduce the price because of the virtual lack of competition. So, a highly appealing product has emerged in between the GeForce 6 and GeForce 7 series. It is probably not destined to live long because NVIDIA is already preparing the G72 GPU, a mass-user version of the G70, but the GeForce 6800 GS will surely fulfill its purpose – to be the killer product in NVIDIA’s lineup during the Christmas s*l*s season. Highs: >High performance >Efficient cooling system >Shader Model 3.0 >HDR support >Hardware HD content playback acceleration >HDTV support >Excellent overclockability >256-bit memory bus >SLI-ready Lows: >Noticeably loud >Rather high power consumption